saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, October 10, 2003

wah today was a damn sleepy day man.. was trying super hard not to fall asleep in my lonely lil' room especially after an extremely tummy bursting lunch of kway teow and stuff... so much so that i had a very painful stitch just from sitting in my chair doing my work!!!! ridikulous! and for that matter, i did fall asleep!! like i nodded off for a while i think and woke up when i heard someone at the door.. sheeshh.. lucky its only karen toh.. *phew*

anyway, despite my lack of attentiveness, i managed to clear 7 cartons of the US shipment!! *woOhoo!!* all by myself too!! haha.. but i am very angry!!! the books that i left at reg 1 yesterday were to be shelved but after hunting high and low for a customer's book for almost half an hour with tracey, we discovered that someone just dumped ALL the damn bloody books onto a shelf behind the register!!!!! wah lau eh!! damn pissed man!! if nobody realised ah, a lot of horrible customer issures would arise ok!! so i was complaining to sharil and i told him to tell the managers.. shall go check if he really did tomorrow.. if not, everyone's gonna get an email about this mann!! NOT gonna let it go.. i mean, if you dont want to shelf then just leave it there.. if you want the v-cart, dont just chuck other people's things aside.. so inconsiderate these people!!! *hmpff!!*

not to mention that although i know porky is a useless retard, i cant believe he was such a chicken and refused to help us with a nasty customer.. like, he bailed, and literally left us to the sharks man..!!! im shocked and damn disappointed..

wah.. all work bitching.. now you know.. working for an american/angmoh company is not necessarily a bed of roses.. feel so disillusioned now..


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