saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, November 02, 2003

wat the shit kinda blog is this.. all quizzes and no posts?? haha.. but i really like the casablanca one.. (: anyway, lotsa things happened in the last 2 days.. giving me a heahache.. but i have no idea how to post everything.. but anyway, ive been eternally sleepy for the entire week cos ive hardly been sleeping sinceeeee... more than a week ago? ya so just practically dying.. and my eye bags are getting darker and darker.. and ive been getting a lot of this headache kinda pain behind my ears recently.. which noel says is stressed related.. sigh..

so i remember i promised a more detailed cheeky monkeys post right? hehe cheeky monkeys was really fun!! but i think it was because there were so many people there..! plenty of (ex) borders peeps so it was like our own private party..

but i didnt get to drink much because everytime i put it down on the table, it completely disappears!! yes, even the glass! sheesh.. esp this leonard seah.. everytime me and stacey come back he will finish off like 3 quarters of our drink..! crazy.. like he's trying to prove something.. and he really pissed me off when he kept picking the clip off my hair.. even after i told him nicely only about 2 million times before.. wat made it worse was that he kept laughing it off.. giving a cheeky face and sticking out his tongue right after i scolded him.. bloody retarded..

not to mention that im seriously worried about stacey because of him.. i dont deny that he can be a nice guy but he just doesnt know his boundaries.. imagine when he kept touching me to ask if i was ok.. after shoving him off so many times i finally had to tell him to stop touching me.. and after wat he did to stacey and the others before im not prepared to let him try any of his sick nonsense on stacey again.. this guy just never learns lahhh... i just really hope that stacey will be able to think straight if he really does try to pull any stunt.. i really dont want to see her get hurt..

and of course, as i was saying before, there was plenty of drama mama both outside the club, and in the hotel caused by miss man.. who i believe was looking for a certain someone's attention.. i mean, talk about violent tendencies man.. its practically like living in a channel 8 serial drama lor.. this one.. hai.. i really got nothing to say.. just that i am very very embarrassed and disappointed that she is from my alma mater.. i just never thought that anyone of us could turn out like that.. i was so disturbed by it that i even told my sister.. (and i never do..) and she too was so disgusted and shocked at miss man's behaviour.. sigh...

anyway, we went for supper before going back to the hotel and hung around talking till morning when we took the first bus back to town and had breakfast at the lido macs.. (whoa havent had macdonalds breakfast in ages man..!) then crazy us went back to the store to disturb fernando who joined us the night before even though he was the morning supe the next day.>!!

i just found out this morning that some of the little things that happened at cheeky monkeys was made from excuses.. like going to 7-eleven......? haha sheeshhh... cannot believe it..


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