saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, December 11, 2003

hahahaha ok this is seriously screwed lahh.. that previous post was supposed to be this super looonnnggg update, but guess what guys, i fell asleep!!! haha *oops* so didnt manage to complete it.. yes, AGAIN.. but rather than leaving it hanging and completing it again another time, i decided to just heck it and post it lah huh.. haha if not i'll be lagging again!! so silly i cant stand it myself! haha but its also quite funny lah.. *grin*

anyway, since i SERIOUSLY overslept, (like so super seriously i dont remember when was the last time i did it) (ok come to think of it, i actually CAN remember.. but thats not the point lah huh..) i dont have much time for this post.. was actually supposed to get up at 8 to meet boss and jess for the med checks.. but since ive missed everything, im going for the med on monday.. (noel wanna join me?) so today i think im just gonna head down to town to meet boss and jess for lunch or something, do some grocery shopping then head down to annabelle's place to help out with her P.I.N.K PARTYYYY!!! whoooo!!!! hehehe

ok lah if i write anyway im gonna be late.. i mean, im already late but i'll be even more late.. but then again, not like they're expecting me to be early so is that considered late? heh you know wat i mean lah huh..


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