saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, November 18, 2003

haha noel thinks that these buncha weirdos are from taiwan.. haha anymore takers?? have a poll, shall we?? haha.. *grin*

annabelle and her friends seem to be having a riot at the eyebrow plucker's page!! hahaha.. had a good time laughing man!! i think his webbie has had lotsa hits by now!! hahaha!! my favourite line is "i achieved peanuts in my life" haha how sad is that!! my sister's is "i have a limping heart but i want to love".. wahahahaa where is this guy from mannn!!! haha

hehe yes steph, how did you know that her nick is shyshy?? so smarttt!! hehe ((:

hmm went out with noel today.. like, finally man!! he insists that the last time we met up was when i just came back from spain.. but i dont think so!! anyway, was good..

work is getting more and more unbearable.. *have* to bug porky about the person taking over me.. cannot take it anymore.. *sigh*

anyway, take care everyone!!! (((:


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