saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, November 14, 2003

before i forget..! i must must must, absolutely must give bob a HUGE HUG for helping me fix NetSpo and Middleware..!!! he's such a sweetie..!! he was only asked to give advice but ended up fixing everything for meeee..!!!! *grin* was preparing to do it all by myself but i got such a nice surprise when i read all his emails..!! heeheeeee. (((:: THANKS BOB!!!!! youre the best!!!!

hmm.. i guess all that being said, i cant say my day was too bad after all right..? after all, i did meet up with my girlfriend for the sushi buffet.. and i finally met her best friend who is like super chio, super handsome.>!!!!! i likeee..>!!!!! *grin*


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