saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, November 12, 2003

my gawd.. i cant believe this.. stephen is like how mean.. he may be all the way in sydney, but he sure can upset someone so far away.. even through email.. maybe i needed it.. i dunno.. but it stunned me for quite a while..

anyway work today was bad bad BADDDD.... i mean..! talk about being calculative man..! plus so many other things happened to us.. our office might as well be a prison cell.. both of us looked as though we had a life sentence or something.. we're convinced the room is cursed.. which is something that i dare not deny..

i wanna tender.. i really really wanna tender right now.. even noel is encouraging me to.. the thing is, its not the work or the stress.. its just that.. its not a good place to work in.. like noel says, its bad kharma.. and im just so disappointed.. i dont even know how to express myself.. *super sad/long sigh*


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