saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, November 09, 2003

didnt meet my girlfriend in the end ): cos she fell asleep and woke up late.. but nevermind.. shall forgive her cos shes my girlfriend.. (:

went to IMM with my parents instead who dragged me out of the house.. haha.. wanted to get the adidas sneakers but too expensive..!! sigh.. 120 bucks mann! whyyyyy... do i have such expensive taste..

thought of getting a pair of plastic specs.. for the smart look..? haha.. hmm maybe just one that makes me look smart(er).. but then i cant wear it everyday cos it doesnt go with my image.. sheeshhhhh...

oh i saw this matte finished ring that i wanted to buy at the pasar malam in clementi.. has a partial spider web engraved on it.. so nice mannN!!!!! but the bus came so couldnt get it in time.. and then when we came back, the shop closed!! and its there for only one day! which was today!! so no more!!! so sad i tell youuu... been wanting to buy a nice ring for ages.. ): *sniff*


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