saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, November 02, 2003

whoa was that a long post or wat...

so twas rag's bday yesterday, and we all went to visit her at work (i finally get to see her!!!) but she already had her dinner so couldnt hijack her.. (damn!) so we went to meet her again when she knocked off at 10.. had cake and stuff and took a whole buncha silly photos with boss, jess and jamie.. haha rag had the same bored expression in all the photos and i had all the crazy stunts next to her.. hahaha.. but was great fun.. ya know.. we work so nearby but yet its so difficult to meet up with each other.. so sad.. but i finally got to see her again yesterday and we spent a while just talking and hanging out by the taka fountain after the others had left.. we should do that again soon yes? *grinzzz*

had to go to work yesterday even though it was a saturday because of the silly store 6th anniversary..!! lucky we didnt have to go back today man.. cos i only got home at like 8 this morning!! sheesh.. went for supper with the closing people, and of course, there was the bit where we were all part of the same channel 8 drama serial that happened at cheeky monkeys.. sheesh.. i should give it a name.. hahaa cannot stand me mannn.. *grinzzz* hmm any ideas people?

anyway, supper was a bit spoiled by miss man, who of course was too childish to join us.. i really wanted to run after her and shake her until she cries and finally wakes up.. it was just like the time at the hotel when she was asking kenny who was his new gf.. me or stacey.. and i was so angry that i wanted to burst, "me lah, why? cannot ah? got a problem with that is it?" (of course we know the truth now..) hmm i digress.. anyway, of course it would have been too much for her to just leave in a huff and let others enjoy themselves.. so she just had to call stacey and give her grief.. and erny too.. i think these people are so wei da lor.. still care about her enough to call her.. but i suppose that cos they're her friends.. as for me, whatever insults shes gonna throw at me are not gonna hurt me simply because she is not my friend.. and since she doesnt mean anything to me, whatever she says will not matter to me..


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