saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, January 02, 2004

i refused to stay at home and be sick so i kept my appointment with rag and met her for dinner.. met up with erny and farokh for a while before that.. cool to see them all again! pity stacey not working man..

anyway, rag got a new phone! haha i cant believe how shes progressed from the handphone-to-pager era of hers to a camera phone! did our suntec thing again, and laughed so hard at all the orderly people walking round the damn fountain, making jokes at them and all.. haha! have never seen them so orderly before man! haha i think it must've been funny to hear the both of us talking because we both had horrible voices! haha (everyone's sick i tell you) too bad they didnt play our whiney song or we'd have even more laughs!! *grin*and rag called me the "crusher"!! cos i break everyone's hearts.. i do not lahh... at least i dont think i do.. heh..

and its "COW" to you!! not horse!


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