saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, June 30, 2004

hahaha.. oh so funny.. i'm watching the news about the black out last night.. and they were interviewing people from holland village lah.. and there was this short clip of a woman who seriously looked a bit high lah huh.. muttering something like the blackout "spoiled a perrrfectly good evening.." hahahaa!!! did they seriously have to show that?!?! oh man..! i was laughing like hell..!!!!

and i realised i was quite lucky man.. apparently the thing lasted something like 2 hours..? thank goodness mine was only half an hour man.. sheesh..!

oh there was this pooorr boy was trapped in a lift for like damn long lor.. more than 2 hours man..! until he couldnt breathe properly...!!!!! yikes..! and damn stupid lor.. the firemen couldnt do anything man.. all they could do was hang around and wait for this constructor man to come with the KEY TO THE LIFT DOOORRRRR!!!!! arghhh!!!! wah damn cock lor! buay tahan mannn!! i meaaannnn... what is thissss!!!! if i was the mother i also damn pissed man..!

but it was quite dangerous ah..? no street lamps and traffic lights all.. lucky nothing happened to my sis man.. who went out juustttt after the black outt..?!!!! hmpf....

heh i realise i got a lot to say about this ah.. feeling yakky i suppose.. haha..!


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