saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, June 07, 2004

i just came home!! as in since my last post when i was going to meet them all for dinner..!! haha

we went to this cool jap restaurant at federation square, a bit pricey lah, but the food was damn good lor.. good stuff man.. then we decided to go back to david's place to finish watching Bill & Ted.. haha what a joke man that show.. in case you guy dont know, its Keanu Reeves' first movie.. and he looks damn toot lah! haha the role itself is also super retarded so yaa...!! haha sheesh..
and then we watched Bill & Ted 2!! and wendy fell asleep!! oh noo!! oh no because she was supposed to go back after the show to pack her luggage!!

we woke her up at 3.. then at 6 (cos we fell asleep also) then again at 9!!! haha and thats when she finally woke up, and forced us to eat all the junk food for breakfast!! ahh!! and then she went off..

i was supposed to leave with her, except that she made me stay to go back to sleep.. sheesh!! so we went back to sleep.. and when we woke up again at 3, we watched simpsons again! and then we fell asleep again!! ahhh!! hahaha sheesh man, what pigs..! heh finally got up at like 5 lah.. and then came home lor..

i cant believe this man..! its monday already!! and its going to end soon!! madness!!!! aahhhhh!!!!!


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