saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, May 01, 2007

i dreamt

that i went to perth for a holiday on my own.
i stayed in a hostel that was slightly cave like. with brown natural walls.
there were writing and drawings all over the walls. and all in yellow paint.
the room i stayed in was connected to the back of the common bathroom.
it was a guys dorm, but they put in an extra bed for me. there was no other room.
there was a family of fluffy yellow ducks living in that room.
or maybe they were geese.
they had long necks.
for some reason i wasnt scared. i found it quite funny.
my room mate was slightly hunky american doode who wore a cowboy hat.
in the course of the dream he somehow morphed into Utt.
i hung out with him sometimes. he was very nice.
the girls were bitchy. i guess they didnt like me very much.
but there was one nice girl i hung around with too.

i saw shuping and juliana and some other chick from sec school maybe jessie or peishan.
they checked into the same hostel as me a few days later.
they only went to the spa.

there were beaches with floating islands nearby.
i say floating because when a few people jet ski-ed nearby the islands would wobble.
all of them were brown. like rock. except light.
there were a few islands. all close to one another.
together they formed the shape of australia.
plus some other islands like tasmania. and moreton and stradbroke islands.
you could see all that just standing on the beach.

strange dream.
but interesting.


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