saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, November 11, 2002

on the bright side, im getting along better with people like ivan, stara and elaine.. pretty cool i'd say.. hehe bored to tears at mainreg this morning so ivan brought me this really cute book of "children's letters to god" which really cheered me up.. had super cute handwritten letters like these..
"god, who draws the lines around the countries?"
"dear god, my brother is a rat. you should give him a tail. ho ho."
"how did you know you were god?"
"dear mr god, i learnt in school that edison invented light. but i thought you invented the sun? i bet he stoled your idea."
"god, why is sunday school on sunday? the bible says that its supposed to be a day of rest."
"god, i want to live 900 years like the guy in the bible."
"god, when you invented man, do they work as good as they do now?"

hehe sho cute right..

and im quite gum with li sun.. pity i only see her on sunday mornings.. and i dunno why, but i feel very attached to fernando.. as in, he always feels like a big brother to me.. on friday i specially went to look for him at the cone kiosk just to say hi.. but who did i find? isaac.. *tsk* haha but oh well, i caught up with fernando later on.. (: the poor guy didnt get to go on his trip after all, cos he was called back to reservist.. dumb right? stupid bali bombing.. boo.. i really hope these nice people dont suddenly decide to leave cos they're unhappy with anything at work.. *crosses fingers and toes, elbows and knees, knuckles and bones* --> (i want this more than i want to see the pratchett books..)


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