saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, January 30, 2003

hmm havent really been updating my blog.. maybe i dont feel much like blogging anymore.. not too sure of it myself too.. so oh well..

so you know, i havent called my manager about my locker stuff yet.. i really wonder what the outcome will be, and if there's a even a point to it.. sigh.. i mean, why get all worked up when theres nothing you can do about it.. but then again, i cant just keep quiet and swallow all the shit.. argh.. maybe i will go down and settle it tmr..

oh my dad got the old crank camera body cleaned up, and bought a new second hand old fashioned lens to go with it.. so its quite cool.. am quite excited.. the thing about peilin's camera was that the rewind was spoilt.. so i couldnt bring an extra roll of film out.. cos id have absolutely no way of changing the film.. sheesh.. hmm think i will get a proper camera bag for the new old crank camera.. but i'll just get the fitted kind, so i can still shove it into my huge bag..
i just thought.. i think i'll call my camera "the crank"..

wah just realised i got quite a number of stuff to do ah.. got massina, then my ideas for photojourn assignment 3.. then must go buy negative sleeves for photojourn, make the name list for the darkroom cupboard, get my set design book, write my malay notes, oh, and i'd better type out the stuff for marcomm tmr.. and then gotta settle my locker and get my camera bag, oh, must also check out the history book for rag.. (please get me the ISBN if you can, thank you..) oh yes, return my book loan, and renew my malay book..

then i better stop talking crap and go and do man..



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