saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, January 27, 2003

im so pissed with borders man!!

they moved the office up to the 4th floor and reissued out the lockers.. and they threw away all the stuff that was left behind.. which includes my stuff!! all the stuff amir gave me ok!! so sad!!!

im so angry at them ok!! i will call my manager up and give him a piece of my mind man!! this is the time to shoot my PR skills at their useless asses!! i will let them know that i am not to be pushed around just because im a part timer!! and if i do start working again, im sure they will tekan me, but i have decided that i will NOT quit just because they give me crap.. i will REN for however long it takes and show them that they will need much more than that to kick me out!!!



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