saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, January 17, 2003

wahhhhh i slept like nobody's business today mannn... was totally gone ok.. sheesh.. but such a relief.. i called up the office to change my schedule, but eleanor wanted me to give my timetable so they could discuss it.. so troublesome.. i told her that i wanted to get monday off and change my shift for sunday, but she has to talk to evan about it.. sheesh.. so troublesome man.. hope its ok..

oh, amir and i had this weird er.. can i say argument? just now.. i think he didnt go home on tuesday night.. but when i asked him about it, he didnt answer me.. and at work too.. i mean, i dont understand our friendship.. he messages me when he's had a bad day or when he just needs to sms someone.. but whenever i ask about him, he says he's ok, then he doesnt tell me anything.. i dont geddit.. it kinda gives me the feeling that im bugging him.. so i'd rather leave him alone than be an irritant.. i mean, some people are just like that.. they'd rather go to you themselves, than have you pestering them..

so just now, after 2 days, he suddenly decided to tell me that he DID go home on tuesday night (after i had already decided to forget about the whole thing..) so when i brought up the fact that he was two days late, he said sorry.. i told him there was no need to apologise and he asked if i wanted him to take it back then.. when i said it was up to him he said he didnt have time to argue about petty stuff.. and i got quite irritated about that.. i mean, if you dont wanna do something, then dont! and besides, he was the one who brought it up in the first place! i was wondering if i should reply his message so i took kinda long.. then he said he just had a bad day at work so i shouldnt take things to heart.. so after a while, he didnt have anything to say anymore so i said i would leave him to his things and not disturb him.. and he said "if you think youre bugging me then i got nothing to say.." so it went back and forth again.. until he got home and went to shower.. he was supposed to get back to me after he was done, but he took like an hour.. so when i messaged him, he said he was gonna sleep.. i dont know why i bother.. sigh..


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