saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, January 07, 2003

ugh.. today's not exactly the best day..

most frustrating/disappointing thing at hand is.. amir didnt message me at all..
i smsed to ask if he had sharil's number, he asked why, and then gave it to me.. and then that was it.. he didnt even ask me how was school.. or work.. he didnt even say youre welcome when i said thank you.. i think thats the end of everything.. sigh..

i asked for sharil's number because.. i wanted to apologise..
i overcharged a customer by over 150 bucks.. supposed to be $17.55.. but i charged $175.50 to her credit card by mistake.. and sharil had to cover up for me.. must have had the shock of his life.. (lucky it was sharil and not fahmy..) we had to do so many transactions to get the paper work right.. (but of course it wasnt in the end..) so he went home pretty late..
and i didnt manage to get to my music info shift on time.. so ridhwan went home late too.. sigh..

i charged the transaction wrongly because.. i wasnt concentrating..

and i wasnt concentrating because.. i was irritated with fahmy.. and i felt like dying..

i felt like dying because.. i threw up just before my shift..

i threw up before my shift because.. i ate weird mushrooms from each-a-cup with peilin.. who also threw up.. twice in fact..

i was irritated with fahmy because.. he was being rude, and acting all high and mighty.. according to audrey, "all the power is getting to his head.." and of course i had to add, "if he even has a head.."
he was being impossible ok.. and twice somemore!! so unreasonable.. just because you're not ahving a good day doesnt give you the right to take it out on other people.. you may be the supervisor, but that's no excuse for rudeness.. especially to someone whom you want to do things for you.. and its even more lame that you try to cover up and act nice the moment i say, "fahmy you're really crappy today so im not gonna talk to you.." and its immature that you ask someone else to get info from me just because you know im not in the friendliest of moods towards you..



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