saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, January 06, 2003

hmm.. ismail has been smsing me.. he's really nice.. he's the one who made me promise to go to japan with him.. i still havent given him the tulip.. must make it a point to get it to him on friday.. where sells tulips ah??

rag said something in her blog that i totally agree with.. "he is prolly not gonna ask me out and i believe he doesnt really care how i lk.. i mean, neither do i.. dis way, our relationship stays healthy.."

it kinda reminds me of breakfast guy.. i mean, of course i wondered about a lot of things lah.. and there was a point when i actually liked him.. but i guess i didnt wanna spoil wat we had.. i mean, 4 years (at that time lah..) was a very long time to have known somebody.. especially over the net.. now its almost 5 years.. and come to think of it, i think he's quite possibly the person that ive been friends with for the longest time.. of course, there have been periods of less contact (especially now.. since he's in ns..) but we generally manage to keep in touch.. how often can i say that for the rest of my freinds.. however close to me they once were.. back to the point, i guess its because we didnt care about anything else other than the friendship.. and i suppose that why it was (as rag says) "healthy"..

i think thats kinda wat i want with amir too.. but i dont think thats gonna happen.. i did think it would.. but that was before we started smsing.. it was much nicer when we were just writing notes to each other.. sms just leaves you hanging.. especially when the person is too busy to give a (proper) reply.. at least with writing notes, even though you get less replys and have to wait longer, the reply you receive from the other party is written with all his attention.. and at least its a whole hearted reply.. as opposed to one by sms.. when you're just thinking of how to reply..

anyway, he's been messaging me less.. dont know if thats good or bad though.. and with school starting, i really dunno wats gonna happen.. so there.. guess thats the end of it..


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