saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, January 12, 2003

ergh.. so irritating.. i wrote this post just now then my computer went bonkers and it disappeared.. so this is roughly wat i said..

today was a not bad day at work.. 2 hours of reg, 2 hours of shelving then 2 hours of info.. my last 2 hours were supposed to be reg again but my baby died.. actually not really lah.. just that the screen cannot make it.. karen and i tried CPR a few times but it kept relapsing.. so no choice, have to close the reg.. then i tell amir also he dont believe me.. still ask me to reboot.. but i told him cannot revive already.. so he said he'll come down and see for himself.. hmpff..
shelving was cool.. (i love shelving) except that some of the sections no space man.. then have to shift like mad.. and meishan was being such as ass man.. "that doesnt look very efficient to me.." i mean people got their own way of doing things lor..
info was fun.. cos i was doing it with farokh.. hehe he's damn funny one.. and its not boring cos he talks alot.. this is the first time im working with him man.. (actually the first time i did reg with him for one hour on christmas but thats not counted..)

oh sharil is disgusting.. he tried to corner me behind the boxes in the sort room.. lucky got another way out man.. then when i gave him mentos, he whispered, "i want it from your mouth, can?" yuck... cannot stand him..
but i had fun doing reg with him on friday lah.. cos he keeps thinking im angry with him.. haha.. then denna and i were making fun of him for his (lack of) wrapping skills.. haha

oh amir was looking at me funny at the reg today.. like half smiling but not really.. heh, you know wat im talking about? then when i ask him he doesnt say anything.. so i ignore lah.. hehe..


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