saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, January 13, 2003

hmm my eyes are quite paining now.. had quite a long day.. went out with rag after work.. then watched the sixth sense when i got back.. damn cool show man..

im kinda worried about amir.. he was on morning shift today too.. and he sounded really tired during shift briefing.. he even told us that he wasnt ok.. and when i was doing kids recovery, he came over to see how i was doing, then he said thanks for the green tea i left him on thursday.. then he said it was finished already.. i mean, i think he's going through alot.. he was supposed to go home at 4 on saturday and he ended up leaving at 7 something.. saw him in the overstock room doing his work..
i really dont know how i can help him lah.. i kinda got a shock after wednesday night when he told me that he went out to vent for a few hours.. i feel kinda useless.. i told him that he can come look for me and all that lah..but i dont think he will lor.. i mean, i suppose he will feel that i wont understand his situation and wat he's going through.. and i guess, maybe i wont.. and maybe i wont know how to deal with it.. i know he's human too, but somehow its kinda difficult to overlook the fact that he is a manager.. and i guess sometimes its difficult to draw the boundaries.. like he can be a friend to all of us, but we still must respect him at work.. so its not very easy to switch modes all the time.. like how do you be a friend to him at work?
i wanted to buy more green tea for him just now, but decided not to lah.. firstly, he might get the wrong idea.. and then, i dont want to come across as over concerned and naggy.. which is also why i have decided not to nag at him to take care and rest more and all that anymore.. i suppose i'll just listen lah.. if he even wants to tell that is.. of course if he needs anything else, i will do it if i can lah.. but for now i'll just be there for him.. yea.. sigh..


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