saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, January 23, 2003

yo yo yo wassup man.. sheesh.. been missing for almost a week huh.. but well, my computer is crap lah.. found out yesterday that the port for the mouse and keyboard was spoilt.. so getting a new mouse isnt gonna help.. sheesh.. damn irritating sia.. then last night my dad's fren lent us a wireless mouse and keyboard, which worked fine at his house.. but at home, nothing happened.. bloody shit man!! so sian ok..

hmm oh, must also mention that all the part timers at borders have been put on hold.. and guess why.. according to my manager, "the store's pretty quiet right now.." BULL MAN!!! its because they just hired TWELVE new staff lor.. bloody shit man.. i wont be surprised if they ask us to quit ok..

other bad news... my sister lost half of her thesis because the zip she saved it in was spoilt.. and she cant remember what she wrote so she's gotta start from stratch.. damn sad man.. i feel so bad for her.. so now she barely has 2 chapters out of 5.. and she's supposed to finish by the end of the month lor..

oh!! i signed up for wheel of fortune with alex!! ahahahahahaaa.... damn farnee right!! for the v-day special somemore!! heh heh cant believe i did that.. i hope we dont get it man..
alex is mad lah!! he made me go shopping for his friend's birthday present ok!! gave me 20 bucks to buy any book for her.. sheesh man..

and I BOUGHT A NEW BAG!!! wahahaha.. went looking around with rag on monday.. so glad i actually found something.. i didnt expect to find anything i liked man.. esp since im kinda fussy.. heh heh.. so, its a giant black bag from bodynits.. cost me $39.90, and they gave me a free handphone accessory.. teehee.. so cool man!! and i met amir and nicole on the way home after that.. so scary man!! completely gave me a heart attack.. i was still having my stroke after i had gotten down from the bus ok..

ooh we finally went to pataya yesterday.. and guess who was there.. my ex.. sheesh man.. so did not recognise him.. until he waved at me.. he was with this girl.. who looks really really familiar.. i have a feeling she's the "princess" that kept paging me rubbish shit from his house when we were still going out.. oh well who cares..
oh we had a nice time shopping for stuff at beauty world (cha cha cha) and then hanging out at macs where we made up a story about jess the witch and wesley the wizard.. hahahahaha... so farnee mannnn.. *grinzz*

oh peilin lent me her camera so i can actually start on my photojourn assignment.. hehe its fun!! snapping away at people who have no clue that they're being caught on film!! wahahaa.. i hope the shots come out well.. so lousy if its crap man.. *crosses fingers and toes*


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