saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 12, 2003

im so freaking sian man.. you know, i took 15 minutes to walk from the bus stop to my house.. ugh.. so irritated/sian/tired man.. the whole group is just irritating the hell outta me.. all over the publicity and promotions events thing.. sheesh.. i mean, whats the use of you saying 'its so PR, its so PR' all the time.. not gonna help lor.. we still need to do this thing.. and you know you need PR to fully pull your whole campaign off lor.. then its the whole trashing people's ideas when you have nothing yourself lor.. at the very least, do it nicely lah.. and wats with the interrupting everyone thing.. latest trend is it..

fuck lah..


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