saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, March 09, 2003

oh yes.. heh heh.. boss and i have been bugging jaron to buy us stuff from the atrium.. and he busy tahan already.. we even got noel to record a message on his pda for us.. hahaha.. apparently, jaron listened to it for like 5 seconds then pulled out the headphones, screamed WAH LIAAUUU!!! and said he wanted to kill the both of us.. hahahaha... aawww.. so now, i promised to give jaron a surprise on monday.. but i dunno wat!! heh i was gonna say i would give him a kiss on monday, but wait he really ask for it then i die.. heh not that he will lah, but just a precaution.. hahaha.. i need to think of something man..!!

arrghhh have to wake up for church tmr.. don better not be there, or if he is, he better not talk to me or ask me about last week.. in short, he'd better not piss the fucking shit outta me.. hmm ya.. hope i can get some photos.. ):


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