saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, April 03, 2003

ya just remembered.. wanted to blog this yesterday when school was closed.. when jess wes and i were leaving kap, farand came down to talk to us.. i was just packing my stuff so i didnt say anything.. but i know there were a few awkward moments (on my part lah..) when i looked up to find him looking at me.. i think i was supposed to say something, but i didnt know wat.. so i just continued packing my stuff.. and after a while, he pointed at me and said to jess, "she very unfriendly ah.." i mean, wat was i supposed to do.. we havent been talking for 3 years anyway.. does it make a difference now..?! i tried ok.. tried to pretend everything was normal.. esp since its already our last semester.. but its not.. i leave my stuff with him for 2 minutes while i go to the toilet but i come out to find that hes disappeared.. so.. well anyway.. wish you guys all the best.. *smile*


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