saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, May 27, 2003


I AM GOING TO JAPAN TOMORROW!!!!!!! wahooooo!!! like finally mannnn.. ive only been wanting to go to japan my entire life.. so exciting!!! *grinzzzzzzzz*

and its not my fault that this is such short notice.. i was only informed yesterday myself.. lucky my manager approved my leave mannn.. well, if in any case he didnt, then... i'll just quit lahh.. hahha..

i have obviously not packed..

uhhh.. better get to it.. but damn lazy lah.. aching all over mann.. i feel overworked.. died when i got home today.. ughhhh.. heh watever lah.. bye.. nono its SAYONARA!!!! wahahahaaaa


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