saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, July 13, 2003

been wanting to post about graduation, but just been too tired this week.. i mean.. this is the first week since the exams ended, that i havent been out on monday, tuesday and wednesday! (this wednesday does not count cos i had to take my basic theory test with jess..)

so.. many things happened at graduation..

first things first.. having been stuck with danny for the entire thing, i have plenty of stories to tell about him.. (haha)

my gawddd, is he vain or waatttt... sheeshh!! he took a picture with joyce, and the first thing he said after that was "i should turn my head more.. i look better in side profile.." oh, for crying out loud!! so he tried to take another picture.. with me in it this time.. but also trying to tilt his head to the side a bit more, while straining to aim the lens accurately.. needless to say, it was a disaster.. i mean.. look at it!!! *sigh* no hope man, this guy.. (it IS quite a funny,and memorable, picture though.. :P good for christmas stories.. heh..)

next thing.. he reads harry potter???? wat the... ?!! am i the only one puzzled here or wat.. i mean, im a harry potter fan.. but danny?? apparently, he woke up at 9am then came to buy the book on the day of the HP5 launch.. like i said to him, he just doesnt have the harry potter face!!! and that SO makes sense ok.. noel and i came to the conclusion that he probably reads it cos of his gf.. now that i can take..

ok lah.. enough about this silly vainpot.. oh but i really do like his shirt.. i think he really looks good in shirts, i mean not many guys can carry off the checks you know.. except that he can be such an ah pei at times.. esp with his disgusting red shorts that he wore to peace centre when printing the newspaper project.. really look like coffee shop uncle mannn...

okok i digress.. so, we were made to rub our hands with this disinfecting lotion which was sticky, had a funny smell.. so danny and i rubbed it off on the table cloth of a table standing just outside the stage door.. *grin* went up the stage to shake Dr V's hand (which my father missed) and heard some mad people (ie boss and noel) cheering for me.. haha was pretty funny lah.. didnt know if i wanted to turn and grin at them or just carry on walking (which i did)..

and then, it was all over..

spent the greater part of it at the reception taking photos with the entire world (ok so i exaggerate).. and talking to friends, family and lecturers as well.. soooo gonna miss seeing everyone around.. yes, even the people im not exactly close to..

i think the biggest regret of the day, was not getting a picture with farand..


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