saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, December 16, 2003

man..! was like a super klutz today mannn!!! walked completely into this guy at the lift lobby in ngee ann city, almost walked into the guys toilet, toppled this pile of tin buckets at watsons.. like what is going on mannn!!! eh i was distracted lah huh so not really my fault right... cant blame me.. *sheepish grin*

went for medicals today for my visa application and you know wat? its the first time ive ever peed into a cup..! haha like really, have never done a urine sample thing before.. i know lah quite suaku right.. but quite an experience lah..! i even asked the lady how much she wanted? hahahahaaaa couldnt help it lah.. she said just a bit will do so i had to ask how much that was right?? i mean, i was initially thinking half a cup ok.. then she pointed to a level so very near the bottom of the cup! i mean! lucky i asked right or not.>!!

oh, must not forget to mention that i practically drowned myself in vinegar during lunch today.. soaking almost everything in it.. but it was *damn shiok* just thinking about it makes me gian for some vinegar right now.. *slurrppp*

met up with stace erny and kenny after gallavanting all over for toys.. havent seen all 3 of them together in a while.. hmm, in a sense i kinda miss working there, if only for all the nice friends ive made through the job.. and i found out my replacement is damn super sonic sloww mannnnnnn.... so ashamed.. how did i produce such a student? am i really such a lousy teacher? is this how my legacy will be remembered? my reputation burnt just like that? *sigh*

oohhhh did anyone see karen wee today?? hoootttttt!!!!!! *sizzle* i like...!!!

sue-ann's quitting too!! last day this saturday.. smart girl, leave before christmas.. not bad ah.. we both leave within 2 weeks of each other.. i have half a mind to let her use my resignation letter..!! hahaha wont it be funny!! *grinnn*

im really wondering what i should do for christmas man.. have no money to do any christmas shopping at all!! cant even do my own shopping man! and i think im way too lazy to write christmas cards.. how liddat!! i feel terrible.. so paiseh if people give me something.. )): ok lah ok lah maybe nobody will give me anything at all lah right.. just being thick skin.. haha

hmm i realise that im getting more lazy to blog.. kinda wanna get my own domain but im afraid i'll be lazy to maintain it.. and i know that will sooo happen.. hmmmzzzzzz


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