saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, December 22, 2003

whoa.. i only got home at like 2am man.. i was waiting for 154 at the KAP bus stop near my place at like 1220? (how come there was no bus tonight ah? weird..) and then this guy came along and waited at the bus stop too.. after a while, we both decided that there werent any more buses and then we started talking.. i cant even remember what we were talking about man.>! but then the next thing we knew, it was what, 0150? so then he sent me home.. heh its quite weird.. and i think this is the 2nd time ive been in a vehicle alone with a stranger..

anyway, met up with stacey and this girl ah.. shopper i tell you.. im quite scared at the way she shops man.. have never been into so many shops in such a short time.. oh, but i bought pants!! i bought pants!! hahaha.. they kinda remind me of my mango pants, except that they're not torn at the side.. and they have pockets!! only back pockets lah, but they have pockets!! fantastic man! i dont think i know how to live without pockets!

first time eating at the borders bistro.. surprise treat from stacey who i suppose is feeling rich from her early pay.. (you should have seen her shopping, bought a hi-fi somemore!) not bad..! the smoked salmon pasta is really good.. lucky we shared man, if not cream overload man!

wanted to say talk to leon for a while but was busy showing peizhen stacey's shopping and then next thing i knew, leon had disappeared and i was helping stacey carry her bags.. oh well, you arent reading this, but HI anyway!! *waves* must catch up yea? haha

found out the real name of the guy who plays harrison in popular and ben's lab partner in felicity.. BUT!!! Christopher Gorham is Marrried!!!!! arghhhHH!!!!!! so devastating.. i was so distraught that i had to send erny an email at work..

by the way, why is my flooble so stagnant!!! so sad!! as annabelle would say, i feel so "unloved"..! haha..



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