saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, January 31, 2004

had guests over for dinner just now and boy was it tiring.. auntie vivian had so many questions to ask me in the middle of my carrot chopping and bee hoon frying! aiyohh.. but ya i guess she was just worried about erika lah.. oh well..

but seriously, she is SO funny lah! my sis and i had such good laughs man! she's so witty and so.. quite like us lah really.. and she was telling us about her uni days with my dad, uncle ronnie, uncle james and goodness knows who else.. and my, were they terrible! crashing all the parties and rushing for food?!! im talking about small bowls of wanton soup here ok! goodness! such barbarians! and grabbing the satay off each other's sticks??!?!!!! so uncivilised!

oh and interrogating my dad about the secret of his NS days!! haha so useless! this storeman did nothing but read newspaper, sleep, go for tea break, and wait to go home!! until the colonel didnt even know wat he was doing!! sighhh.. and auntie vivian was wondering why she never heard anything about his army days! haha


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