saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, January 29, 2004

woke up SO late this morning for my lunch appointment! like past the time we were supposed to meet! i really havent done this is SUCH a long time man! YES, REALLY! anyway was cool. curry in little india with my room mates (where i didnt get dissed by the woman this time) and then traipsing around in the rain. went down to mustafa since we were gonna check out hindu road and baboo lane (haha). then it was errand running (buying, rather) with peilin in clementi central. quite tiring man.

so in the end my sis and i cooked dinner for my mom! heh, it was ok lah and it didnt take really long cos we just made simple stuff. no fancy stuff lah, think what? hehe (:

anyway feeling really damn super ultra sianified so going out for supper with my sis.

and its still raining! yucks!

whatever lah huh.


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