saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Friday, January 23, 2004

oh my goodness i am so damn bloated now! and i didnt even eat a lot.. just one prata and a piece of chicken.. think i ate too fast lah dammit.. all my sister's fault. ate like slightly less than one meal in the entire day, thanks to all the gallivanting around singapore in chinese new year spirit so was pretty hungry.. and my sister went out for supper for 2 million years i tell you! already died from starvation by the time she came back.! ergh..

heh quite fun lah, reunion dinner and CNY.. played asshole taidi with my cousins and i was king a few times!! wheeee! amazingly enough, i never made it to the bottom rankings! haha quite proud of myself.. *grin*

my cousins have changed man~!!! daniel is black now, not brown; cedric is a giant; samuel is bigger and cuter; and in the words of my sister, "JC as done wonders for nicole". the rest are still the same lah.. hahha..

oh, but sharon's 2 other cousins came today as well, and i remember the guy! i think i played with them a couple of times before when we were still in primary school! that was like 10 years ago! geez!! but the girl quite pretty, and the guy erm speaks very well..? haha

finally found out what daniel does in ns man.. he's in air defence.. *wah cheem ah* he presses buttons, shoots planes down, in the sun.. nO wONDER kenna bURNT laH!! now all he needs is to put on some weight.. heh

wah but i was so tired when i came home from CNY eve that i collapsed and fell asleep immediately man. and i mean IMMEDIATELY.. and it was just 11pm! the day wasnt even over! and then of course by 330am or so i couldnt sleep anymore till like 7plus in the morning..! which of course meant that i still woke up late in the end lah! sheesh..!
its a good thing we is takin it sloowwwww tmr..

i realise i dont have enough days to meet up with everyone before i leave lah..!! this is getting annoying! what am i gonna do man!

and i SO wanna watch goodbye lenin lah.>! aNGRy!!!


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