saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, January 20, 2004

in the end, everyone else cancelled their dinner things, so i just stayed home for the early reunion dinner (cos my dad wont be around during the whole CNY period)..

amazingly enough, i was online on icq tonight.! and im glad i was!
although it was quite stressing at one point of time cos i had so many blinking messages it was so hard to keep up! and stupid raymond had to call to tell me how happy with life he was, while telling me all sorts of silly stories (as usual lah) which gave me such a terrible neckache ok.. sheesh..

but i managed to catch up with so many people that i havent talked to in only about 2 million years..
like weikang! he's going to perth a week after me! and he's going to ORD next month! how fast is that! very amazed i tell you..
and my seating partner for 2 years in ij! haha love you girl! *hugz* you know you can tell me anything dearie! (:


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