saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, January 17, 2004

oh my goodness i'm having the best time talking to shichang on icq..! yes! on icq! just like the good ol' days man! when we used to talk into the wee hours of the morning and then sms later the whole day.. madness! but it was so cool i tell you! i cant believe ive known this guy since the beginning of sec 3! thats like what, 5 oh shit thats 6 years! like how long is that?!! and through everything, all the phases and eras and what not, we've somehow managed to keep in touch, albeitly not all the time lah, but good enough i suppose.. all the memories are flooding back to me and i cant help but smile and laugh to myself, thinking of all the nonsense that we used to do.. haha this is the best conversation ive had with him since he abandoned me and enlisted, and its all thanks to his sister who just came back from sydney cos he's using her computer! haha speaking of which, i cant believe he's up at this hour! so deja vu i cant stand it! *happy grin*


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