saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, January 15, 2004

hmm havent been bloggin for a couple of days huh.. was quite happy with my many pictures so didnt wanna spoil it with a pictureless post but i guess thats quite silly huh.. haha.. oh well..

dinner just now was madness can! crazy dad ordered so much food! like, enough for 8 people or something! and there were only 4 of us! going to go into labour soon!

i cannot stand it! why is everyone having gatherings on monday! there's dinner at zakk's place, and annabelle's room warming, and now i might have to have an early reunion dinner with my grandparents and my family cos my dad wont be around for chinese new year! i want to go to all lah..! what am i going to doooo..?!!!! bahhh

oh liz, i use netscape to host my pics.. (think its under file manager or something) its quite irritating and slow sometimes and made me fed up for quite a while.. but i dont really know anywhere else to host it..

its already the 15th! i'll be leaving in less than a month and i have so many things to do, so many things to get ready i am so not ready for this i tell you!! i will never be ready! i had this dream that noel was leaving this coming monday and was all packed already and i quite freaked out!

and i hate army i tell you so full of crap i cannot stand it! ergghhhhh!!! i had already decided what to do, and then they have to mess things up..
aiya ok lah its not their fault lah i guess whatever i do just depends on how i decide to take on the whole situation and since i already straightened out my thinking (i think so lah) then i guess life is better lah huh.. and i suppose it is.. i dont really think about the consequences anymore, but i know what they are so its not that bad.. and i dont feel as miserable as before, simply because i decided that there is just no point.. i shall just do whatever i want to do!
there.. thats good then..
now all i have to do is try not to think too much about it so i dont get a relapse.. again..


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