saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, January 25, 2004

just had the koh cousins over for dinner and there was so much food it was difficult deciding what to eat! hehe but quite fun.. dont think we've done this before, heh. and it was so funny how gong gong moved straight to the sofa when he saw that there was wrestling on tv.. haha!

yesterday was oh so busy i tell you..
had too many things happening on the same day, so in the end met eugene earlier in the evening to help him prepare for his bbq.. even though it was raining and raining non stop for the ENTIRE day! how yucky and wet is that! ugh!

and in the end i didnt really eat much cos there were so many things to do lah! and all the adults and his relatives were just standing around and looking! sheesh! his poor friend jonathan was multi tasking like mad ok! cooking all the food, buttering everything, bringing the food to the table, and then! trying to stick the satay sticks into the chicken wings..! so poor thing! so i decided to help him with the chicken wings lah.. and after that my hands smelled funny the whole night! and eugene and his other friend ahkmal (? dunno how to spell his name haha) were so lousy in wrapping the stingray lah!! aiyoo!! but we did manage to eat a bit lah, before we had to help out again! left at about 840 to meet steph..

and we drove down all the way to NUS to don marcus' birthday party and it was really funny how we totally went past fiona's car and only jonathan realised that it was her.. hah! there were so many people there i tell you! tons and tons of people that it looked like there was no space for us! aiyohh!! plus it was still raining! but it was really rowdy lah, and we didnt really like the crowd there, even though we recognised a lot of them! so we left after fiona's weird bruce lee and bean jokes.. stayed only about an hour or so lah..

then we went for supper at bukit timah! was really fun! and fiona was so hungry jon thought she was depressed! hah!
and since it was raining the whole day, we were talking about how it rains on specific days of the year, every year.. like CNY.
and christmas.
and easter.
and good friday at 3pm just after mass starts, with thunder and lightning and all.
and their theory is that because jesus died at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. isnt that so interesting? how did they even arrive at 3pm?
if its just generically 3pm, then it would rain on good friday at 3pm in say, melbourne?
or have they converted the time, so it would actually rain at 6pm in melbourne instead?
if so, doesnt it mean that it would be raining all over the world at exactly the same time?
and if thats the case, wouldnt it be quite phenomenal? shouldnt someone have noticed it by now? i think it would have been pretty big news!


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