saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, January 28, 2004

on a better note, had a fun day with shuping and annabelle, who were both my seating partners for 2 whole years in IJ.. hehe! went to a nice ramen/bento place in FEP for dinner, and then had a giant waffle with ice cream in gelare!

wheee!! and it was freeee!!! haha so nice! havent had a treat in a while.. haha so happy.. and we met annabelle's room mate, gracie and she was quite funny lah.. so amusing, her stories about traumatising anna with the banana peel and all.. haha!

now if only i went straight home instead of stopping by borders for the toilet, i wouldnt have had such a creepy end to all this.. its so freaky i dont even wanna talk about it man.. ughh..


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