saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, February 24, 2004

heh i love the way you all celebrate my adding a new post.. haha its so nice! that i have people waiting to hear from me!! haha (:

have been trying to read as much blog as i can, but cos theres so much to read, i was trying to hog the phone line while we were all watching CSI.. and even then, i only got as far as steph's, belle's and the milk money kids' blogs.. haha (multitasking lah..)

so so far, its BELLE YOU FINALLY BLOGGED AGAIN!!!!!! i have been waiting for your posts like since when? January 18?! thats even longer than you waiting for me to blog!

and steph!! i wanna eat your brownies toooo!!! and fiona's cheesecake!! i feel so jealous i tell you.. i miss all those gatherings at someone's house just sitting around this huge table of food and eating and talking and eating and talking nonstop!! and of course going trigger happy at everything and everyone the entire night..!

as for the milk money kids, erny what happened?!! got booze party ah?? anything *ahem* interesting happen or not?? haha like always right, something scandalous has to happen.. haha.. and something going on with kenny and natalie?? heh heh *grin*

hmm, in other news, i was in school today to meet my host group.. and i swear i feel so old! im like the second oldest person after wendy..! everyone else is 18 or 19??!!! yikes.. heh but they're cool lah, quite a few characters in there.. there was this girl who was so super amazed at our singlish okay.. when she heard us say "lah", she was so excited that she made us teach her how to use it! hahaha and apparently, she's studied stuff about singlish tooo!!! hahahaha how funny is that? she confirm watch PCK before one! hehe oh! just remembered! her name's steph too!!

and my host told us, we have ab-so-lute-ly NO N-O no exams at all.. like AT ALL.. AT ALL!!! like even for the theory subjects! its all prac! (or thesis papers) heh, pretty much like my poly lah, but hey i still had exams then.. hehe but by the looks of it, the structure's kinda like what ive already been through.. in fact, the whole thing feels very.. mass comm.. if you know what i mean.. heh..

and my timetable!!! wooT!! my weekend is longer than my school week!! hahaa.. just 3 days of classes right smack in the middle of the week means no monday blues and early weekend for me! heh..


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