saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Tuesday, May 25, 2004

oh no, one hour more before i have to start getting ready for school and im starting to feel sleepy.. not good.. so not good.. if i succumb that will mean ive missed another tesday of school.. cannot cannot.. and im supposed to show my lecturer stuff man..

im typing like damn fast so i dont have to slow down my thinking process to match that of my typing speed just so that my brain doesnt stop working so my eyes dont shut down which will allow me to stay awake just for a couple more hours till i get out of the damn house man.. ahh!!

insane! this is just insane!

5 mad hours of piaing my damn website.. and ive basically got everything set up except for the graphics.. which i have to draw lah dammit.. and im definitely not going to make it in time for that one, so i shant even start.. it'll just have to do lah..

yesterday when i went to school, i visited no less than 4 libraries man.. and i didnt have enough credits to borrow all the books i wanted so i was frantically reading and copying stuff from this pile of books man.. sheesh! it was sheer madness!

and at the 4th library (when i was already halfway to dying), i bumped into my friend who was doing research there.. and after talking for a while, we decided to just heck it and up and go to her place for dinner.. and it was great! i knew i had a helluva lotta work waiting for me at home (like the dratted website) but i guess i had had enough of being frantic for a day.. and im SO glad i did!! cos i really really enjoyed myself.. good company, good food, and so much to catch up on! the time passed by so quickly cos we were just having such fun! it was kinda like a booster i guess.. to take my mind off work and stuff.. fantastic lah.. hehe so happy..

but i swear, my butt is going to fall off from sitting here too long i tell you..


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