saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, May 19, 2004

hehe watched The Adventures of Huck Finn just now, and guess who's acting as Huck Finn?!?!??? Elijah Wood! hahhaa oh man! so damn bloody cute i buay tahan man! haha.. this small boy with the famous amazing eyes..! haha really ah, want to just pinch him man.. haha.. quite a nice show lah, with some sad parts.. and you know what? i just have this feeling that ive watched it before! like it only started hitting me at the scenes toward the end.. sheesh man, this is just like The Thin Red Line! heh but Elijah Wood as a small boy is really damn cute man, and got this naughty face.. haha

oh you know what? i didnt go to school at all yesterday!! missed all of 2 modules man! not my fault! i died and couldnt get up! see right, ive been on this sleeping routine for about 5 days now.. i would be awake all night, slogging away and overworking my computer, until about 7 or 8 in the morning when i would just crumble and die and end up waking up at 3 or 4 in the afternoon.. i know, its a horrible habit but hey i thought it was just so damn regular man, that i get exactly 8 hours of sleep everyday, and at the same time too! now if only i could just shift this fantabulous cycle round ever so slightly.. heh so you see, i couldnt break out of this routine man! i was supposed to just tahan for a couple more hours and then go to school and come back so tired that i would go to bed early.. but i succumbed! and besides, when i did wake up (on time at that) it was raining so hard! and it was so bloody cold! and after waking up a few more times and going back to bed shivering, i decided that it was pointless and just went on to die.. so ya..
and here i am, back again.. trying to pull off the same stunt again.. and its harder this time, cos i dont have an early class.. i just intend to go to school early to get some work done in the studio.. i only hope i make it to my lecture in the afternoon man..! heh..


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