saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, May 15, 2004

mmm.. just came back from dinner at one of our neighbours' place.. good stuff man.. lindsey invited us over cos we invited them the last time.. haha so funny, they were trying to out-do us man.. haha.. carrot sticks and salmon dip (which we all though tasted like tuna, but was really good nonetheless) and creamy mushroom and beef sauce with fetuccine..

we brought dessert though, chocolate coated honey joys.. in case any of you dont know what honey joys are, they're the corn flakes cupcake things.. except that we didnt have any cup cakes, so we tried them on a pan like cookies.. but that didnt really work (me and noel ended up eating them anyway and getting sugar high) so we put it in a dish thing, so when it was hardened it was like one beeeg chocolate coated honey joy.. kinda looked like a cornflake cake.. haha.. quite fun lah..

but you know what.. now i feel so absolutely sleepy and have no energy/mood to do any work.. which is terrible!!!!! ahhh!!


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