saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, May 09, 2004


aiya so silly, my sis and i planned weeks ahead (something we've never done before) to send my mom to the spa today.. i even sourced out all the details, and the phone number and everything, and my sis went to arrange the appointments and stuff.. and then today my mom said she didnt wanna go.. alamak! so silly i cannot stand it.. sigh.. so sad i tell you.. but okay lah, i just spent like one and a half hours talking to her.. heh.. cool right.. i dont think ive ever spent so much time talking to family.. hahaa..

i just realised, i didnt tell you guys about the funny things my mom asked my dad to bring me last week.. other than the usual winter clothes and stuff i asked for, she gave me seng buay, and dried guava, and prawn crackers, and a mug! she gave me a mug! what does she think ive been drinking out of all this while?! not to mention, 2 plastic ikea bowls! heh, i asked her about it just now, and she said it was to remind me of home, like when i used it to eat my cereal.. haha! so cute lah i cannot stand it man.. and she admitted to buying nonsense for me to eat.. haha!

oh, today was so weird i tell you.. kept bumping into people.. i bumped into noel in church, then jamie, then outside the church i saw the whole bunch of COSDU people (who made me feel so guilty) and at safeway with jamie, i bumped into jessica! and what was so weird about the whole thing was that firstly, noel and the COSDU people dont even go to St Francis, today was just an exception.. and i normally go for the morning masses, i just went for the evening one today cos i woke up late.. and then, jessica was supposed to meet peilin for dinner, but peilin was too tired so jess went to safeway where she met me! oh i forgot! and while we were at safeway, jamie met his friend nalaka, whom i also know cos he stays in the same hostel as my friend uma!!! what is going on man.. so weird!

and speaking of church, i am so proud to announce that ive been going to church every sunday since easter.. which makes it only 5 weeks lah, but thats pretty good by my standards lah.. haha which are very low, as you can see.. heh oops..

so, 11 assignments in 3 weeks.. you think i can make it? and they're all pretty major man.. i wonder if anyone wants to place bets.. haha

hehe time for my update on the movies ive watched this week? haha

ive watched My Fair Lady before, but i borrowed it cos of the songs.. heh, im such a sucker for this kinda crap.. i really like the song "On the street where you live".. its so nice lah! i even have it on my mp3 list okay.. haha.. for some reason, i always thought that the guy who sang it was "Professor Henry Higgins".. but apparently not! its some guy who fell for her at the horse races (whose name is Freddy.. real name jeremy brett.. quite cute btw, but too bad he's already dead)! hmm, speaking of which, i thought the song at the races was pretty well done.. quite a cool concept.. where everyone stays still as a statue while theyre singing, then moves again when theyre not.. its a very unusual thing for a musical, where everyone is always singing and dancing.. and it looked good man..
but the ending ah, terrible lah.. so she goes back to the Professor's house, and he asks for his slippers?!????? i mean, its obvious from his face that he's glad she's back, but it really doesnt tell us much does it? like does it mean they get together? and get married? but she said she was going to marry Freddy! and what happens to him then? aiya!

Saving Private Ryan is disgusting! i dont think i've ever seen a more gross war film.. imagine this, a soldier walking around with his arm blown off, not knowing what to do, and then he comes back and picks something off the ground and walks off.. and then you realise that he just picked up his arm.. yucks! or like when tom hanks is dragging a soldier to safety, and suddenly when he looks down at the guy, he sees that he's only dragging half a body cos the rest had been blown away.. but i guess thats just the reality of war huh.. its got a pretty accurate depiction of it lah.. aiya but the beginning and the end is so typical, an old man at the war memorial, and the young face of Private Ryan who ages into the same old man..

heh and then i also watched 40 Days and 40 Nights and Shallow Hal, but i dont think i have anything much to say about them so i wont.. heh but they're quite funny lah.. and i really really like the girl in 40 Days and 40 Nights lah, so cute!! sigh.. haha..

okay lah quite tired man, this is turning into a really long post.. gotta get on with my 11 assignments man.. erghhh..

oh i forgot to mention! i cooked butter rice for dinner just now! yay!! haha


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