saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, May 03, 2004

heh yes belle, its made up entirely of eyes!! i cut out eyes from everywhere and stuck them together! haha i like the squashed wonderwoman and the eyes one best.. ((:

and no man, the movies are not part of my course.. i wish they were! but then again if they were, i might not enjoy watching them as much.. heh.. nah, i just borrow them from the library.. thanks to the horrible influence of my dear friend uma, now im watching dvds instead of doing my work!

aiya, i wanted to say something about The Spanish Apartment in my previous post, and then i went to say something else.. the show has very nice shots! the little effects they do to portray what the protagonist is going through.. fantastic! oh but dont be fooled by Audrey Tautou's (Amelie) picture in front of the dvd cover man.. she only plays a small role..

freak, you know it was so bloody cold yesterday man.. 4 degrees! i just stayed in my room all day and huddled!


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