saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, May 02, 2004

Chocolat is such a nice movie!!!! have you guys watched it? it reminds me slightly of The Crucible.. you know, small town, strict code of rules, everything else "radical" is the devil in disguise? and there's johnny depp!!! ahh!! and of course, all that chocolate!!!!!! cannot take it man.. plus, its all home made!! can just die watching it man! but the story line is good! i love the way they portrayed the characters man, even the horrid ones! like the mayor! the bloody mayor i tell you, i was cursing at him throughout the movie..! haha oops.. i could watch it again man.. heh, i notice i like to watch movies again..

The Spanish Apartment is a pretty good french film too.. so multi-racial man.. haha.. there's an English girl, a German guy, a Danish guy, an Italian guy, a French guy, a French girl, a Spanish girl living together in an apartment in Barcelona! how cool is that lah! they're all so quirky in their little way.. but pity the film focuses only on the French guy.. i would have liked to know what happened to the others, like the English girl.. or the German guy (who is quite good looking).. haha.. and its so cute the way they all help each other out.. like one of them calls ALL the rest, who practically run home wherever they are, just to stall for time for the English girl.. heh, does that make sense to you? heh you have to watch it lah!

anyway, so exciting! my dad's coming over next week! yay!! i cant wait!!! *grin*


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