saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Saturday, April 24, 2004

oops! missing posts for a while huh.. sorry, just havent really been feeling like blogging lah.. you know that happens sometimes right.. heh except in the case of Liz.. haha

anyway, thanks so much for all the words of encouragement (Annabelle, I thought you said pReserve!! instead of persevere! haha oops), and the concerned mails especially from Steph and Fiona.. heh, sorry (again) for not reply as quickly.. internet connection is screwed up lah, sometimes can work sometimes cannot.. and i always get the hotmail server is busy kinda shit..

so yeah its just been work lah.. dont know enough people here to let them get to me (much!).. haha.. although i really hate the ridiculous shits that barge up the tram without letting people get down first! then they have to squeeze by people who want to get down cos they cant move out of their damn way! its so retarded lah! its just simple common sense right, if you want to get on, let me get off so you have space to get on you bloody idiot!!

still have more (and more!) deadlines lah, like one major one coming up on thursday.. but the craziness is over (ya right, for now only lah!).. i had 2 deadlines on the same day lah, which included a presentation (which didnt really go as planned, but thats over so i shall forget about it..) so i kinda went crazy lah..

as usual, ive been watching more dvds.. haha! i need to recuperate man! Dancer in the Dark featuring Bjork..! quite a nice show.. its kinda like a musical, but Bjorks kind of singing is so different from a typical musical, so it wasnt the same feeling.. pretty good story though.. basically Bjork is a czech immigrant in america who's going blind.. and her son will too if she doesnt save up enough money for his operation..

oh and i also borrowed a dvd of Dr Seuss' Green Eggs and Ham!! hahaha its so fun! its just like a cartoon of the book lah.. there were also other stories inside.. the one i like is the sneechers! haha so cute lah!

hmm what else.. last week i watched Gosford Park.. murder mystery kinda show.. pretty well done.. but there are sooo many characters!! it gets a bit confusing sometimes, cos some of them look a little alike.. heh.. but i really like the way snippets of clues appear right in the beginning of the show.. a bit like harry potter style.. haha.. it was so good i watched parts of it again! haha

and im christian! haha

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