saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Sunday, April 04, 2004

so i have been at uma's place since yesterday.. haha.. we were cooking vegetarian curry for lunner (lunch/dinner) and then we went to watch some dvds.. fun!! down with love and 8 women..! ewen mcgregor in down with love is SO HANDSOME i tell you..!!! so cute, so suave, so good looking..!! aaahhhhh!!! really man! like everytime he comes on screen uma and i just melt okayy.. oh my goodnesssss... i want a boyfriend like that tooo!! hahaha ya right.. we watched it TWICE okayy!!

and 8 women is a bizarre french film.. but quite a good story.. heh just really weird.. i think watching it once is enough for me.. haha

anyway, we're gonna cook lunner again.. haha and MY SHOES ARE NICE RIGHT!!! *grinzzz* im very happy with them.. but i wonder when i should start wearing them??!!! hmmm... and ya my dad knows about the shootings!! he smsed me yesterday!! heh sheesh..

in any case, COURT KINGS~!!!!!! wheee!!! hahahaa ((:


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