saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

oh no my last post is really bad huh.. me cursing and swearing all over the place.. sorry.. but really, i was really quite pissed off this morning man.. early in the morning go and irritate us.. heh okok this is over.. so dont kill him ok kenny? hehe.. but fiona's comment was oh so funny!! haha

eh i want to try the ice cream place at serene centre tooooo!!!!! speaking of which, theres really really superlicious gelati here!! YUM!! especially the roche one! its really like ferrero roche man! uhm did i spell that correctly? haha.. but really! theres REAL roche IN the ice cream!!! oooohhhh..!!! *slurp*
i was just about to say that i want to eat it now, but ive been eating chocolate practically the whole night, so i dont think i should man..

liz! your blog suddenly so long! so much to read man, i cannot finish reading it tonight!! sorry! think this one must read in parts man.. haha!

helianthus i want to watch smallville tooo!! ahhh!! im gonna be so outta touch with all my shows man!! there are lotsa good shows here, but theyre all really early, so there's nothing to watch by like 9!!! either that or they show old seasons!! so sad!!

heh i do not look chick-ish lah! and you guys cant nick the hat cos its not even mine! haha.. but ya its quite nice though.. should get one for myself huh.. haha

anyway, have been really tired man.. fell asleep in my art history class today man!!! lecture AND tutorial! haha.. and i was supposed to be super attentive for this lecture somemore, cos im doing my paper on this topic! ahh! but the guy was so soft we all couldnt hear him properly! and even after we said we couldnt hear, he just said that he cant help it cos the mic was spoilt!! and he didnt even bother to speak a little louder! and we couldnt move to the front cos it was a full lecture! so crap lah! so i missed half the things he said, and it was so tiring straining my ears to hear whatever he was saying that i just gave up and fell asleep! oopss.... sigh..

heh my initial point was, im not gonna do any work tonight! giving myself a break man! haha.. ok so im about to sleep as i write this, but you get the drift.. haha yay!

so how's the planning for all your many many trips?? i dont think i can join you guys man.. i have to be back in melb at least a few days before school starts, which is 25 july! oh btw, i think i'm coming back to singapore around the 15 or 16 of june.. but of course, steph wont be here! so sad! )): heh but i forgive you cos you'll be doing something so fulfilling.. ((: your blog is just so nice and inspirational lah.. haha

oh OH! how could i forget! i had indian food for dinner with some of my classmates just now, and when i saw the sign for the restaurant i just died.. look at what the place is called! INDIAN FOOD!! hahahahaa!!!

heh but at least we had good curry lah.. such a nice meal man! we were so full after that, i felt 3 months pregnant sia!!


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