saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, March 29, 2004

oh how horrid.. just checked out a website link to an article on helianthus' blog.. what's happening to the world man..

and yes belle, i took the picture myself so there REALLY was a guy with a horse head walking around town.. haha.. but the william hung mask thing is quite funny also what.. i wuld so love to see it man.. haha

eh, whats with the wedding thing?? who's darren lim???

hmm anyway, im getting so very sick of doing my work man.. im losing all my steam, my motivation, my willpower..!! i want to go home and go back to being a bum forever and ever amen!! sigh..

and it so doesnt help that its so hard to live with housemates.. like ya, they may be my friends and all, but cos of different schedules and everything, im always not home so i hardly ever see them.. and then i always feel so bad cos i dont help out with dinner as much as i should.. so now im just gonna settle my meals on my own, but that also means that i'll be spending more money..! but not sharing anything does makes things much more clear cut.. oh well, i guess i shall just have to live with it.. for convenience sake.. hmm i actually feel like getting my own place.. as in live alone.. might be lonely sometimes i guess? but i think im the kind who likes to be able to do my own things, have a WHOLE house to myself.. haha.. maybe next time ya? but rent will be so expensive!!

oh, had my first experience of rain early early this morning.. ive only ever seen it drizzle around here.. and not even like a heavy drizzle.. its so light that you forget its there.. but this morning! it RAINED!! heh ok lah, not heavy rain as we know it back home lah, but there was a considerable amount of water pouring from the sky! haha so silly right, amused at rain.. haha

in case you guys dont know, because of daylight savings, i am now only 2 hours ahead of you guys, instead of the usual 3.. heh but dont ask me anything about how this rubbish works, cos i have absolutely no idea ok? haha i just know that its 330 in the afternoon now.. haha.. ((:

miss you guys so much.. and everyone's going away! there will be no one left when i go back home!! )):
oh, maybe i should give shuping a copy of the photo as her prize.. haha! then you can ask people back home too! haha ((:
liz im so jealous i want to get a car too!! it'll be so much more convenient!! baahhhh..

hehe this is a picture of me in uma's room.. dressed in all her pink winter accessories.. which she hates by the way! hahaha so hilarious.. and im holding the flower that i gave her, except that you cant really see it.. oops.. heh but the poster on her wall is so damn cool right?? i love it man! i shall take a proper photo of it for you guys to see.. ((: and of course her room is so MUCH neater than mine! haha


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