saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, March 18, 2004

Last night, being Saint Patrick's Day, we headed down to that same Irish pub Pugg Mahones (yes again). and it was so happening i tell you..!!!!! Live bands were playing, and it was good music too! none of that techno trance rnb shit that we get in so many clubs in Singapore.. heh..

and Uma was crazy!! she kept buying us drinks! mad woman.. and i have decided that i hate beer.. heh.. i mean, after laying off of it for years, i thought it wouldnt be as bad as i remembered.. boy was i wrong.. heh but anyway thats besides the point lah.. haha.. i finally had my baileys!! yayyyy!! ((:

oh oh must tell you.. Uma and I got hugged by this crazy man..! we were standing at the corner of the dance floor minding our own business when this ang moh guy smiles at us as he walks past.. then later he walks past again, and this time he decides to wish us a happy st patricks day.. and then later he comes by again and decides that since he's spoken to us before he can hug us..! like what the fuck lah..! crazy fella! then call us his girlfriend and whatever shit..! we were so freaked we went back to our seats man..!! and then as luck would have it, on our way back to the dance floor again, who should we bump into but this same crazy fella.. when he saw us he immediately told his friend about us and tried to grab me! lucky i scooted away fast man..! sheesh..

and my gawdd..!! the girls here have damn big butts man.. and i dont mean big, i mean HEUUUUGGEEEE!!!!!! can kill people, i swear!!! haha

but in any case it was fun lah.. ((:

oh, and you arent reading this, but HAPPY (belated) BIRTHDAY CHERYL!!!!! *hugzz*

went out to the La Porchetta (this cheap Italian joint with really good pizzas) at Rathdowne St (Noel and I finally found it man.. haha.. took a lot of searching..) for dinner just now cos Gabriel came down to Melbourne to see his girlfriend..!! so sweet right..! haha.. but ya, was good seeing him lah.. this crappy eediot.. ((:

aiya have to go do my work now.. so much work to do i am getting damn scared man..! so stress.. already! and its only week 3!! aaahhhhhh... )): like after Pugg Mahones last night i came back and did work till like i dunno what time in the morning.. 5 i think.. and then i just died cos i was so tired! noel woke up in the morning to find me sleeping on the bean bag in our living room!!

heh jas, i dont even know what you do on the set..?!! to what extent does sai-kanging go?? haha what a weird question..


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