saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Monday, March 08, 2004

aaahhhhh!!! so irritating!! spent forever on the phone with technical support for our broadband!! what rubbish! after waiting for over an hour, it still doesnt work!! arghh.. very distressed..

in any case, im supposed to cook dinner tonight.. cold pasta, creamy mushrooms and steak.. hope it turns out right.. haha.. didnt tell you guys what happened last monday when i made dinner.. firstly, i couldnt decide what to coook!! and i was fretting about it the night before.. until i went to sleep! and i swear i even dreamt about it okay.. and then i just kept changing my mind the entire day.. haha.. and when i finally started, everything was fine.. except my rice, which was hard! heh, too little water lah huh.. so ya, after distressing for a while, i dumped everything together to make fried rice.. haha.. so silly! all that fretting and mind changing for nothing!!!

hmm, second week of school's starting tomorrow..! dont wanna go back! ahh.. sian already.. its so hard being cross-level students cos we dont hang out with the first years enough to make friends with them, and the second years already have their own cliques.. besides, its so hard to catch up on the 2nd year subjects cos we didnt take the foundation or pre-requisite classes.. sigh.. like my favourite subject.. Radical Perspectives in 20th Century Art.. 2nd/3rd year class.. my favourite because i go in there and do nothing, since i dont understand a word of it.. isnt that fantastic? sigh.. i did think of changing subjects lah, but after a long long time, i decided to just stick with it.. in any case, it might help me when i have to take something similar next year when i jump to year 3.. haizz.. must look for people to stun notes/private lessons from.. haha..

was down at Little Italy last night to catch the ferraris that came out to celebrate winning the grand prix.. so exciting okay, all the fans come out all decked in ferrari left right centre! you'll never find this kind of spirit in singapore i tell you.. and this red ferrari here is my favourite one.. so chio i tell you!! there was an entire line up of ferraris parked along the side of the street okay.. and have you ever seen a yellow ferrari? so suaku we all..

will head down to the Moomba Waterfest again later to catch the waterski championships.. finally! meanwhile, here's a pic of the fireworks display we caught on saturday night at the festival..


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