saya lutut pekak

the doctrine holding that behaviour is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.


Thursday, February 26, 2004

fwah lauuu.. took me almost an hour to read up on liz's blog man.. shows what a regular updater she is! and her entries are so looonngggg......

liz, you wanted to become a gym instructor?!!!!!! are you serious?? but it IS a lot of money though.. so have you decided to save up the money or what? heh, at least you know someone was checking out your stomach so youre halfway there! haha i wanna see your stomach too!! hahaha..

and who the hell is darryl chan??? im SO not in touch with the cleo's bachelors thing ok, so i have no idea who these people are.. why was he in the skit anyway? he's in law hah? got picture or not..??

i cannot stand it, i very jealous of your vday party!! so im guessing everyone blogged about it..? you know, i totally forgot about vday here? heh, i was in the city that night lah, but it wasnt even very obvious.. just looked like a regular night.. i only spotted a few couples here and there.. you know, unlike in singapore where its EVERYWHERE..?

steph you must bake brownies for me when i come back!! and i want fiona's cheesecake tooo!!! hmm, and yeah i think food therapy is better than retail therapy.. at least you know the food went to good use..

oh, i didnt tell you guys, i am SO gonna join the chocolate lovers society man!! hahaha how cool is that?! they have such funny clubs i tell you.. there's even a society for the appreciation of unnatural llamas???? what the hell is an unnatural llama??!!!?! hahaha

and australians really ARE slow! can you believe it? it takes them 5 working days to send me my ATM card?! and even then, its not even activated! like, alamak..!!

heh heh i got an email from shichang!!!! wheee!!! haha so happy..! and i just got a reply too!! so fast! haha *grin*

OOHH!!! buffy on now!! one thing i must say, is that there are so many good shows on tv!!! gonna spend my whole life here watching tv i tell you!! but the shows start from 730 so by like 1230 or so, theres nothing to watch! except sellavision!! arghhh!!!!!!! once i start living in school im gonna come back to sellavision???!! eeeww!!!


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